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[Adult Class] Spring 2022

Instructor Ms. Jane

Beginner Class

- Introduction to Hangul

- To develop low-beginning level skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing Korean language

- To learn basic sentence structures and grammatical patterns and everyday expressions

- To acquire and use more vocabulary

Intermediate Class

- Designed for those who are able to read and write Hangul and had prior knowledge of Korean language

- To improve communication skills on topics frequently encountered in the daily life after learning basic Korean

- To develop competence in fluency and grammatical accuracy as well as advanced vocabulary on various topics

- To acquire a knowledge about Korean culture by learning Korean expressions, customs, and social issues

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[Adult Class] Week 5 (9/15)

안녕하세요! 토마스씨 소영씨 오늘 못 봐서 아쉬웠어요. We missed you, Thomas and Sarah! 오늘은 과거형, 미래형, 과거/현재/미래 진행형과 위치명사 등에 대해 배웠어요. Today, we have studied and...


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