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[유아반] 제5주 수업

수업일: 2024. 9. 15(일) 1:00-4:00


다음주 9/22 수업은 9/21  한인축제(Mall  of America ) 수업으로 대체 됩니다

The class on September 22nd will be held on September 21st at the  Korean Festival (Mall of America)

9/15 수업안내


- 복습

- 옛날물건 vs 오늘날물건 책 완성

- 신체이름 익히기

- 동요 ‘머리 어깨 무릎 발 ’


- ‘ㄷ’ ‘다’ 배우기

- 동물이름 알아보기


- 추석행사

- 딱지 만들기

- 송편, 식혜 간식

1st period

- review

- complete the book comparing old items and modern items

-learn the names of body parts

- sing the nursery rhyme ‘ head shoulds knees and toes’

2nd period

- learn the letters ‘ㄷ‘ ’다‘

- learn the names of animals

3rd period

- celebrate Chuseok

- make traditional Korean paper game pieces

- enjoy snacks (songpyeon and sikhye)

Best regards,



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