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[초등 2반] 제10주 수업 - Distance learning

수업일: 2020. 3. 29(일)

Textbook 필요한 교재: 맞춤 한국어 2

In this lesson, we will learn about family members (가족 구성원)

Goal: You can introduce your family members to others. You can name your family members.

1. Listen to the CD (I attached the files, track 3, 4 ) and read along; page 16 and 18.

Finish the whole lesson 2 including Korean culture page.

2. Make your own family tree in your notebook( 수학 일기장)

3. Upload the picture of your family tree you made and share with me.

If you want, you can upload a video of you are explaining your family tree.

4. You can add more details of your family members and also you can share your family motto(가훈) if you have.

5. Practice vocabulary - family member names ;

엄마(어머니),아빠(아버지), 형,누나, 남동생, 여동생, 할머니, 할아버지, 삼촌, 이모 등.

*Homework (숙제): Introduce your family members to others.

Your parent will videotape/take a picture of you and upload the file here to share with me.


안녕하세요. 우리 가족 소개를 할께요.

우리 가족은 네명 이예요.

엄마, 아빠, 형 그리고 저 입니다.

You can add more details like ....엄마는 요리를 잘해요. 아빠는 운동을 잘해요. 형은 저랑 비디오 게임을 하는걸 좋아해요. 저는 책 읽는걸 좋아해요.

우리집 가훈은 "최선을 다 하자"예요


***** If you have a problem to play the audio clips, try to click the three dots on the upper right corner. Click "open in new window"


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