수업일: 2023. 2. 12(일) 2:00-4:40
Dear Parents,
I am sorry for my late notification. As I have two little children myself, I have been very busy lately for preparing competitions and other kids' events. I apologize and also sincerely appreciate for your kind understanding.
1st hour:
- 자음, 모음 읽기
- ㄷ 으로 시작하는 글 쓰기 연습
- 아리랑, 모두가 꽃이야: 가사 읽고 따라 부르기
2nd hour:
- 구름빵 읽고 따라 부르기
- 할머니의 시계 p.1 읽기
3rd hour:
- We made a Korean hand drum
Thank you.
Ms. Nami