Summary of Korean Class 11/11 and Homework
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and shopping time! I just wanted to remind you all that we don't have Korean class this Sunday for Thanksgiving. Attached is the class note from last Sunday and homework is to memorize new verbs. Sunday, we learned some special case verbs where some of the verbs. For example, 보다 is to see or to watch. The polite form is 보아요, but often it's contracted into two syllables, 봐요, combining ㅗ and ㅏ vowels as ㅘ. There are not many, but some common verbs that work this way. Please review the class note and let me know if you have any other questions regarding this new rules! Hope you all have a great long weekend and I will see you in December! The end of class is just around the corner! Best regards, Yuna