Lesson summary 2-27
오늘 하루 잘 보냈어요?
Please see the below for the last week's lesson summary:
We learned 4 new grammars to be able to say daily tasks you do.
- -하다 verbs (present tense verbs) and how to conjugate them to the ones with -해요 ending
- place marker -에서 and how it is different from -에 (-에서 for a location where an action takes place & -에 for spatial location)
- describing frequency: length of time + 에 (time marker) + number of times in Native Korean numbers + 번 (ex. 하루에 한 번, 일주일에 두 번...)
- 하고 (with)
With everything you learned, you would be able to say what you do in your everyday life (ex. 한달에 한 번 친구하고 가게에서 쇼핑해요.)
Please let me know if you have any questions.