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[Adult Class] Week 1


어제 만나서 반가웠어요^^

For those you who were not able to make it to our first lesson yesterday, I hope you can join us next week. The recording of yesterday's lesson is available, so please let me know if you need a copy of the recording.

*Important notice* There have been changes made to our lesson schedule, so please read it carefully and let me know if you have any questions.

1. Class duration: 2 hours and 20 minutes long

Class is now 2 hours and 20 minutes long, instead of 2 hours and 40 minutes long, with one 10 minute break.

2. Classes on Sundays from 5:30 - 7:50 PM

Everybody in the class today agreed to change the class time to 5:30 PM. So the class is every Sunday starting at 5:30 PM and will end at 7:50 PM. If this new schedule does not work for you, please let me know by Wednesday, August 31st. If I do not hear from anybody in the class about the new schedule by Wednesday, that is when I will make this new schedule official.

3. Class on Sunday, September 18 will be SHIFTED TO Friday, September 16

Thank you all for understanding and accommodating me with the change of the schedule for the class on September 18.

Everyone in the class today agreed to have a class on Friday Sept 16 @ 6 PM instead of Sunday, Sept 18.

Again, if this new schedule does not work for you, please let me know by Sunday, September 4. We will make this new schedule official once I have everybody agreeing on it.

8/28 Lesson summary:

- We went through the orientation to talk about the course in general, like expectations and goals of this course and setting up the Google Classroom.

- We introduced ourselves to others in Korean and we brainstormed together to find Korean words that start with each letter of everybody's names.

- We talked about Korean verbs as a review. All Korean verbs have verb stems (the original form of a verb), which needs to be conjugated in different forms depending on its tense.

We also practiced making up a story using the words 어제, 오늘, 내일 by looking at different pictures (ex. 오늘은 집에서 파티를 열어요. 어제는 집을 청소했어요. 내일은 집에서 쉴 거예요.)

Please let me know anytime if you have questions.

Thank you and have a good week!

-- Jane Kim

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