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[Adult Class] Week 10


우리가 어제 배웠던 수업 내용을 잘 읽어 주세요.

1. 11/6 Lesson Summary: - Grammar #1: -로/-으로 after a noun to indicate that the noun is a mean or a tool of doing something OR to indicate the direction of a movement (ex 1. 밥을 손으로 먹어요. - 손 is a tool to eat a meal) (ex 2. 공원으로 가서 운동해요. - 공원 is the direction to go to exercise) * Add -로 after a noun if the last syllable of a noun does not have a final consonant (ex. 차로 "by car") or if the last syllable has ㄹ as a final consonant (ex. 지하철로 "by subway") * Add -으로 if the last syllable of a noun has all other final consonants except for ㄹ (ex. 숟가락으로 "with a spoon") - Grammar #2: -니까/-으니까 after a verb to emphasize that the foregoing context acts as the cause, basis, or premise of the following context (ex. 배가 아프니까 약을 먹어요. - 배가 아파요 is the reason why this person is taking a medicine) * Add -니까 after a verb if the last syllable before 다 of a verb does not have a final consonant (ex. 일하다 - 일하니까) * Take out the final consonant ㄹ and add -니까 if the last syllable before 다 of a verb has ㄹ as a final consonant (ex. 살다 - 사니까) * Add 으니까 if the last syllable of a verb before 다 has a final consonant (ex. 재미있다 - 재미있으니까) 2. This week's homework Please find the attached copy of this week's homework. You can also find a copy on our Google Classroom. 3. No class on Sunday, November 27 for a Thanksgiving week 11월 27일 일요일에는 수업이 없어요! 감사합니다. 좋은 한 주 보내고 일요일에 만나요!


Jane Kim

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