Apr 19, 2020[Adult Class] Week 13 - Distance learningThank you all for joining me today! Attached is today's class note, vocabulary list and powerpoint file.I'll make homework (i'll make sure to double check this time ) and send it to you by Tuesday! I'll see you next 일요일!유나
Thank you all for joining me today! Attached is today's class note, vocabulary list and powerpoint file.I'll make homework (i'll make sure to double check this time ) and send it to you by Tuesday! I'll see you next 일요일!유나
[Adult Class] Week 5 (9/15)안녕하세요! 토마스씨 소영씨 오늘 못 봐서 아쉬웠어요. We missed you, Thomas and Sarah! 오늘은 과거형, 미래형, 과거/현재/미래 진행형과 위치명사 등에 대해 배웠어요. Today, we have studied and...