어제 만나서 반가웠어요.
어제 수업 복습하고 광고예요! 잘 읽어보세요.
1. Lesson #4 on Monday, September 19 @ 6:30 PM
As we discussed, we will have our next lesson on Monday, September 19 at 6:30 PM. If you cannot make it to the class on Monday, September 19, please let me know so we can discuss another date for a make-up class.
Jane Kim is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: KAAM Korean Language Program
Time: Monday, September 19 @ 6:30 - 8:50 PM
2. Google Classroom
If you have not joined our Google Classroom yet, please do so by clicking the link
I will post the lesson presentation slides by noon the latest every Sunday, so please check on Google Classroom before you come to the lesson.
Let me know if you need any help with joining Google Classroom.
3. 9/11 Lesson summary:
- Expression -지 못하다 is attached after a verb to deny the situation or show inability for the action
* Take out -다 at the end from a verb stem and add -지 못하다 (ex. 먹다 -> 먹지 못하다, 걷다 -> 걷지 못하다)
* (verb) -지 못하다 = 못 (verb) (ex. 가지 못하다 = 못 가다)
- If you add the word "잘" in front of the expression -지 못하다 or 못 (verb), it does not mean you cannot do it, but it means you are not good at it
ex. 요가를 잘 하지 못해요. (I am not good at doing yoga.)
요가를 하지 못해요. (I cannot do yoga. / I am not able to do yoga.)
- Answering to negative questions: In Korean, you have to answer "yes" if you agree with the person who asked you a negative question and "no" if you do not agree with the person with the negative question
ex. 밥 안 먹었어요? (Did you not eat?)
"네, 안 먹었어요." (Yes, I did not eat.)
"아니요, 먹었어요." (No, I ate.)
- We also talked about 추석 (Korean Thanksgiving day) and some vocabulary and expressions we talked about are:
차례 (차례를 지내요): indoor ancestor worship
성묘 (성묘를 가요 / 성묘를 해요): outdoor ancestors' grave visit
강강술래, 줄다리기, 연날리기, 씨름
전, 송편
즐거운 추석 (한가위) 되세요.
추석 (한가위) 잘 보내세요.
풍성한 추석 (한가위) 되세요.
Please let me know if you have any questions about yesterday's lesson.
감사합니다. 다음 주 월요일에 만나요!
Jane Kim