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[Adult Class] Week 7


어제 만나서 반가웠어요.

어제 수업 내용이에요.

1. Homework Here is the link to the homework for this week from our Google Classroom. Please let me know if you have any questions about the homework. 2. 10/9 Lesson summary: - Grammar #1:-고 있다 is attached after a verb to indicate that the action is going on at this moment * ex) 지금 음악을 크게 듣고 있어요. PRESENT TENSE * ex) 오늘 아침에 한국어를 공부하고 있었어요. PAST TENSE * ex) 내일 저녁에 영화를 보고 있을 거예요. FUTURE TENSE - Grammar #2: -기 전에 is attached after a verb to indicate that the action that comes after is prior to the action before it * ex) 자기 전에 이를 닦아요. - Grammar #3: -으려고 is attached after a verb to indicate one's purpose or desire to do an action * ex) 점심에 먹으려고 빵을 샀어요. * 받침 O -으려고 (ex. 웃다 - 웃으려고) 받침 X -려고 (ex. 자다 - 자려고) ㄹ 받침 -려고 (ex. 놀다 - 놀려고) - Culture Class: 한글날 (original name was 가갸날) Please click the below for more information on 한글날 3. Date-related words As per our conversation, please see the attached picture with date-related words like 'last week' 'tomorrow.' Please let me know if you have any questions. 감사합니다! 이번 주도 잘 보내세요! --

Jane Kim

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