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[Intermediate] Week 7


Lesson summary 4-3

안녕하세요. Please see below for the lesson summary from yesterday:

1. Future tense verb

-We learned to conjugate verbs into the future tense by adding -ㄹ 거예요 (if there is no final consonant on the last syllable before -다)/ -을 거예요 (if there is final consonant on the last syllable before -다).

- There are 3 irregular rules:

*ㄷ 받침 on the last syllable changes to ㄹ 받침 and add -을 거예요 (ex. 걷다 - 걸을 거예요) for some verbs

*Take out ㅂ 받침 on the last syllable and add -울 거예요 (ex. 어렵다 - 어려울 거예요) for some verbs

* If the last syllable has ㄹ 받침 add 거예요 (ex. 울다 - 울 거예요) for ALL verbs with ㄹ 받침 on the last syllable

2. -(으)면 좋겠어요 = It would be nice if...

Add -면 좋겠어요 if the last syllable has no final consonant (ex. 자다 - 자면 좋겠어요) and -으면 좋겠어요 if the last syllable has a final consonant (ex. 먹다 - 먹으면 좋겠어요)

ex) 오늘 비가 오면 좋겠어요

3. Reading dates

- 년->월->일->요일

- question word 언제 (when) vs 며칠 (what day)

- vocabulary: 지난해(작년), 이번 해(올해), 다음 해(내년)/ 지난달, 이번 달, 다음 달/ 지난주, 이번 주, 다음 주/ 어제, 오늘, 내일

4. Expressing time

- (Native Korean number) 시 (Sino-Korean number) 분

- vocabulary: 반, 오전/오후, 아침/낮/저녁/밤/새벽, 자정/정오

- question word 몇 시(what time)

Let me know if you have any questions.


Jane Kim

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